Reblogged: My MLM Makeover – Transforming Me Into A Stranger

Firstly, I would like to apologise to you all for the distinct lack of Chapter 9 in my anti-MLM tale.  It is coming, I promise – currently life is getting in the way, so I am doing little and often.  I am still active and sharing interesting hunlife content over social media, namely the funny screenshots you have all found.  Come join the discussion with me over Facebook and Twitter.

In the interim (and hopefully to appease you all) I would like to share some fantastic articles from other bloggers with an anti-MLM sentiment.

First up is lifestyle blogger and fellow Brit, Chammy in Real Life.  For a time, Chammy was also enticed by #Poonique and the Y-life…before she realised that it was all just a polished turd.  Enjoy.

“…Make money being on Facebook. Take selfies and become a strong, independent woman. MLM companies are very appealing but it wasn’t great for me…”

Click here for the full story: My MLM Makeover: Transforming Me Into A Stranger