MLM Observations – Random Friend Requests

Random Friend Requests

As well as sharing my time as a former Younique hun (remember, #Younique is #Poonique), I would also like to share my observations and opinions about the activities of present-day MLM bots.

Let’s start with…

Random Friend Requests

Before reading any of my multi-level marketing observations, please remind yourself of my mission statement here.  In a nutshell, all views presented in this blog are mine, and mine only.  Your own personal experiences with MLM companies may differ, negatively or positively.  All names have been changed to protect the individuals concerned.

Oh, and don’t forget, you can subscribe to my blog and get email updates whenever I make a new post – you don’t even need a WordPress account.

Back when I was a hunbot, our Imperial Elite Green Overlord Presenter, Tania, set daily and weekly challenges for us, her “First Generation” downlines.

The key one – which I flat-out refused to do – was “add ten new Facebook friends every day.”


Tania’s logic was, add new friends, be positive, ‘like’ and comment on every one of their posts for a week so we’d appear in their newsfeed, and eventually strike up a conversation about our “amazing opportunity” and how wonderful the products are.

Obviously I will go into more depth on this in future chapters of my tale, as the main point of this article is to offer some friendly advice to the hunbots out there.  

So listen up – whether you’re Younique, Juice Plus, Forever Living, LulaRoe or any of those other pyramid schemes floating around…



I didn’t make this meme, and its “tries”, but it drives the point home.

Do I need to repeat myself here?


I didn’t make this one either, but I love it.

The general consensus is – random friend requests are really irritating.  I have received plenty of requests from Juice Plus peddlars on my personal profile – clearly they are targeting people who look a bit plump in their profile picture! 😉

I don’t know about you all, but the first thing I do when I get a random friend request is look at their job title.  Identifying a hunbot is evident from their job title, or an abundance of selfies where they are clutching their miracle products.  Quite predictable…but the poor dears are just trying to build their empires.  Perhaps they are lonely; having alienated most of their friends, it is possible that they are searching for new ones to fill the void?


Nope.  That hunbot has definitely been encouraged to add you by her “upline” or her “business coach”.  They are obediently following their Imperial Overlords’ instructions, in order to sucker-in more unsuspecting souls and transform them into MLM bots. 😉

Yes, folks most certainly do not like unsolicited friend requests from people they don’t know.

Of course, I would not make such a bold statement without proof, so I have provided necessary evidence.  You can also verify my intensive investigation for yourselves – simply go to Twitter and type “fuck off Younique” or “fuck off Juice Plus” into the search bar…you’ll be amazed at what you find.

For your own amusement – here are a selection of the best.  For info – all of these tweets are in the public domain, and accessible by all.  Simply click to enlarge your view.

The “fuck off Younique” results…


And just for a bit of variety, the results from “fuck off Juice Plus“…

As before, simply click to enlarge your view.


And there we have it.  So, dear MLM hunbots – repeat after me:


Do the right thing – if you’ve added that random person with the intention of “working your bizniz at them”, cancel that unsolicited friend request quick stat. 😉


I would also like to add that I am now fighting the MLM fight on social media – if you’re on Twitter, please give @ElleBeauBlog a follow (and help me get the #Poonique hashtag trending again!).  Alternatively, find Elle Beau, the Anti-Blogger on Facebook.

Please, also check out the good work of my anti-MLM allies at Bot Watch and the other talented writers featured on my Recommended Reading page.  They work tirelessly to expose the truth and lies of the MLM industry, so anyone considering this line of work can make a fair, informed decision .


  1. I had a Mary Kay rep. go through and add every female in my friends list on Facebook (after I refused to fill out the dumb ‘refer 10 friends’ to get a free makeover thing.) I was the only ‘mutual friend’ so a lot of my friends were asking me why this Mary Kay rep. was adding them.

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  2. I have a funny story about a hunbot I’m kind of related to. She deleted me off her main Facebook profile, following a “debate” on one of her sister’s posts, about private day nurseries. Cut a long story short, I shared a bad experience I’d had with my eldest son’s private nursery and hunbot got offended by something I said (the truth) and deleted me. Fast forward a year and I got a friend request from her new profile. I had a look at it and surprise, surprise, she was selling Forever Unique! She’d sent me a friend request, to peddle her “miracle” products to me! The cheek of it! Haha. Needless to say, I didn’t accept her friend request. Still makes me laugh, to this day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Tiffany, you are exactly right. When MLM presenters are prospecting their targets, they tend to constantly use friendly, familiar pet-names in their messages and posts. Such examples are hun (short for honey as you say), babe, sweet, lovely, etc etc. “Hun” seems to be the most common of the lot, so many of the anti-MLM writers have started referring to the presenters as such. Hope that clarifies!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. If everyone accepted these and publicly ridiculed them for being a hunbot, this crap would probably end pretty quickly. If you can’t win by ignoring them, try drowning them with noise!


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