A Brief Update

Hello to my valued followers.

You will no doubt be glaringly aware of Chapter 11’s absence.  If you regularly follow my Facebook page, you will have seen that I have had some very difficult few weeks with my (invisible) illness.  

When I write a chapter, I want it to be meaningful and worthwhile.  I would rather write quality than produce dross like a #drossbabe.  Unfortunately, I have struggled to sit at my desk for long periods of time, therefore I have not written to my satisfaction.

Here’s an inspirational #drossbabe quote that sums it up, for good measure. 😉


I appreciate you all waiting patiently, and would ask if you bear with me whilst I convalesce.  As of today, I will be off on holiday to see if that helps with the recovery process.  I will return at the start of next week, hopefully well-rested and with the aim of dedicating some quality time to Not Quite Fairy-Tales.

In the meantime, please do continue to send me your screenshot finds, and feel free to join in the discussion on my Facebook and Twitter accounts.  I have some really fantastic followers who contribute some interesting opinions on the anti-MLM movement.

I’ll be back soon – keep smashing it, huns…and thanks for sticking with me.

Elle 🙂 


  1. So sorry to hear that you’ve been struggling. I fight fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism and IBS on a daily basis so know how awful it can be. Hopefully taking a bit of time out to look after yourself will help you reset x

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